I love Jack Black's improvised Ghostbusters theme.
Be Kind Rewind
Posted by caitlin 3 comments
Labels: be kind rewind, jack black
Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet
Posted by caitlin 2 comments
Labels: invisible jet, setting a possible nerd trap, wonder woman
I was going through some old boxes full of oversized Hypercolor sweatshirts and Nirvana concert tees when I unearthed a mint J. Peterman catalog from 1994. I was overjoyed. I had saved it because I couldn't believe that someone would actually write the ridiculously ornate descriptions that accompanied the clothes. I remember reading it in my kitchen and thinking, "No way. No effin' way is someone serious about this." For example. Read this selection from the description above:
A small village on the French coast. Not a shop. A private jumble of swords, velvet chairs, sepia daguerreotypes, ancient taffeta dresses. Uncut emeralds scattered on a tabletop.
Three extraordinary hats, suitable for coronations.
A small black-haired woman with amber eyes, an enormous sleeping white cat. Not much patience with my foreign French. I point to an incredibly detailed cotton dressing gown, gold with age.
It goes on to detail Indiana Jone's quest to attain the alluring dressing gown even though he finds himself distracted and maybe even falling in love with the equally alluring, mysteriously protective, cat-loving gownkeeper. Wow. Pardon my French daguerreotype - but it's just a fucking nightgown. No one is going to take you Out of Africa just because you're wearing it. I feel kind of bad for the people that long for that though. They just want to go back in time.
This next one was my favorite. I had to include the text in its entirety.
I think I should stop there. The passages are so rich they have a kind of numbing effect if you read too many of them.
Posted by caitlin 3 comments
Labels: J. Peterman, typos
Posted by caitlin 3 comments
Labels: profession + 's + daughter = one million dollars, the breakdancer's daughter