Guess this list's title.
1.) Drakkar Noir
2.) Intricately folded notes
3.) Caboodles (props to Mary for the reminder)
4.) Hypercolor sweatshirts - the armpits glowing pink with the complicated heat reaction
5.) Moccasins
6.) Starter jackets
7.) Sevvies
Once you know the theme, feel free to add. It's already so cringeworthy, let's just max it out.
I forgot "Wild Waves."
Mmm... "November Rain" & Jamie Wilbur.
You forgot M.A.S.H. (the game, not the t.v. show.)
Do you know what "November Rain" reminds me of? Kris Kross.(MacDaddy will make you jump, jump)They are in the same genre for me, 'crap played at school dances that I don't listen to anymore'.
Check out Slash rockin the guitar outside the church. GnR, whatever did you do with your coolness?
C-H-I-E-F-T-A-I-N jacks
Oh man! I totally forgot about C-H-I-E-F-T-A-I-N jacks! What about "advisory?" Or how, for like a month, it was cool to wear ridiculously tight floral stretch pants with a long-sleeve v-neck shirt and a tank top underneath. Maybe that was just an Enumclaw thing, but it took over the school. And chuck taylors. Oh, Whitney! I just remembered your AWESOME cropped floral denim jacket and skirt combo of sixth grade, worn with (what else) white footless tights with lace around the ankle. Which, incidentally, is the exact outfit I'm wearing to our 10 year reunion! It's either that or filmy silk shirt a basketball player might wear on game day. Oh Paul and Tony.
1-2-3 EBAC! 1-2-3 EBAC!
-Mr. C
I love everything I'm reading right now.
BTW - I was at my parents yesterday and had to clean out the last few items that are in my old room and guess what I found! My old Caboodle and a shoebox full of notes from Jr. High (among other junk that needed to be thrown away). I guess they had been sitting there since the early 90's!
Nice! It's like a time capsule.
Wondering why a ballroom dancing unit would be part of P.E. Heart pounding, sweaty hands, fumbling feet, and Journey songs played over and over again...
I wore a purple silk shirt to the 8th grade dance.
Oh my god. Those silk shirts. Totally what the basketbal team wore on game days.
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