Pour ceux étant sur le point la roche, nous vous saluons!

Imagine coming home to find a CD from this band sitting on your kitchen counter. That's what happened to me last Christmas. The above shot is just an example; the exact album cover was even cooler. I just picked it up and was like, "Scott. Seriously. Where did you find this?" It looked like an album a fictional Steel Dragon-like band would make. He was like, "Oh! That's for Francois! It's his favorite band. They're like the French ACDC." Come again? France has its own ACDC? That's amazing. I mean, imagine if every band you ever loved had an international counterpart. The Swiss Bon Jovi. The Chinese Iron Maiden. The Canadian New Kids on the Block. It's a dream come true.

Francois is the French pastry chef at Scott's restaurant. I love him. First of all, Scott often comes home with his leftover fantastic creations: homemade gumdrops, mousse towers, and chocolate croissants; and once, Scott spent a whole day learning to bake with him and when he came home, he smelled just delightful. And he makes pretzel bread. Which is as carbtastic as it sounds.

I once asked Francois repeatedly if he lives in a gingerbread house. Don't you think he does? In any case, Francois loves Trust and when Scott gave him the album, he was so stoked. Scott said he was just smiling and pointing at all the band members going, "Zat is Bernee, zat is Jeannot, zat is Nono, zat is Raymond." He also frequently belts out their songs in full-on French while slamming an air guitar around the kitchen. The cooks love it. Who wouldn't?

The other thing I love about Francois is that he speaks four different languages, and Scott says sometimes he'll be like, "Hey Scott, put it by the uh, the uh, the uh, the uh, the oven!" like he's just racking his brain for the correct terminology.

I guess Bon Scott spent a lot of time with Trust right before he died. There was a total mutual respect between the bands and each one covered the other's songs. If you think about it, Bon Scott name even sounds French. All I want is to make a Baz Luhrmann musical movie of their story. I would call it Highway to France. Baz, if you're out there, the time is now.


Anonymous said...

How do you ask someone something "once" and "repeatedly?"

Rachel said...

Ok, I want you to know that the latest anonymous comments are not from me! I will try to remember my log in from now on and if I post anonymously I will sign it!

And by the way, once means a specific occasion, as in, "one day." In that light, it makes perfect sense!

Buff Tan Honky said...

That anonymous moron needs to take an English lesson. Either that or they should get up close and personal with my beard for a while.

caitlin said...

Yeah! What now, anonymous? You guys are the best.