Did anyone else catch this story about the guy who broke into a house belonging to two farmworkers where he "rubbed one with spices and whacked the other with a sausage before fleeing"? I guess they just woke up to the burglar "applying spices to one of them and striking the other with an 8-inch sausage." Seriously? What would you do if you just woke up to the pungent aroma of corriander being slammed into your face and then, you opened your eyes, and WHAM! A huge sausage blow right to your cheekbone. You would be so torn, alarmed by the violent attack, and yet pleased by the deli-like aromas. Every time you ate a salami sandwich, your face would just twinge right where the robber nailed you.
Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.
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